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As I release myself into the forest by, Yara Zalzal

As I release myself

Into the forest,

An animal in distress,

A bird that was caged,

For years on end, yes.

Pouring my heart and soul out, enraged.

As I release myself

Into the forest,

This little bird that I am,

Broken wings, shattered bones.

In love? Not anymore…

Out of love? Who knows?

This little bird truly believed,

At some point,

That love was the answer,

And the hope.

As I release myself

Into the forest,



And wondering…

Fate, Oh why?

Why cross our paths?

For so long, at the thought,

That love had taken over…

Why lie dear fate?

Why manipulate us

Into thinking that love

Was ever here and there.

And there I was

This little bird, corned,

Scared and distressed.

A total mess. A broken wing

Translated into a broken heart.

As I release myself

Into the forest,

This little bird that I am,

Went looking for this love,

This love that was once there.

That was lost but somehow,

Still here, in this little bird’s heart,

Soul, in this little bird’s smile,

As I release myself

Into the forest,

Love, this majestic, flawless,


Was cursed or poisoned,

Then became broken,

Shattered into pieces…

Broken heart,

Broken soul,

Broken spirit,

Broken soul.

Never again, will love

Stop me from

Releasing myself

Into the wilderness,

Into the forest.

Off I go.